Tuesday 9 June 2009

The BNP offer nothing

This week-end we gave thanks to the veterans who helped liberate Europe from Fascism in WW2. The EU is one of a number of international organisations established to ensure that nationalism & racism never again tore Europe apart. That same week-end two members of the Nazi BNP were elected to represent Great Britain in Europe; what sort of message does that send to our Allies? Many white Britons voted for the BNP not because they themselves are racists, but because they fear for their jobs and homes during the this world economic crisis caused by the greed and folly of the banking industry. But it cannot work. Simply booting out 'non white' workers does not mean that they will get a job. To secure employment we need a sound economy that is creating jobs, and applicants need skills and training to do those jobs. Only Labour has tackled the financial downturn head-on, and we are now seeing the fruits of those policies – house prices have stabilised, the car scrapage scheme is leading to more sales, Lloyds bank are about to repay their tax-payers bail out – I could go on but Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling have saved the economy if not the last elections. Labour has supported small business with R&D tax credits, slashing corporation tax for SME and promoting regeneration and initiative via the Technology Strategy Board. Labour has invested in education, training and apprenticeships to give people the skills that they need – policies opposed by David Cameron who is still pledged to abolish the Building School for the Future Programme. Housing shortages are almost exclusively due to that fact that we are living longer, marrying later and choosing to continue living independently in our own homes in old age. We need homes and the prevarication of the Conservative Party locally to finding acceptable housing land is feeding the BNPs support; Labour have proposed a range of Brown Field sites and offered support for Blaby SUE Option B. There is a future for a multi-cultural Britain, and it can only happen if there are jobs, homes and opportunities for all

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